Saturday, December 23, 2006
9:20 PM
yippee!! i got into nanhua high school !!
it wasn't my first choice but my second..however, i loved nanhua just as much as i loved rv so, NVM. i hoping that those people who gto into nanhua high sch, meet together for recess at some table or some part of the school. waddaya people think?? more information will be on my blog
anwyz, i have got a date for the class reunion[[back to dlss]] in January, the 10th. how about that?? do you all think you can make it?? if not, we can change the date. okiee??and erm...oh yeah. i was hoping that everybody would create a hotmail account so that the whole class could get together and chat on msgr cuz i understand that not everbody reads posted posts.
i really miss you guys and i wished that our reunion would be soon. haiz...i am surprisingly SCHOOL'sick. not to forget, tagg my blog often too!!
lovinggg alll ,
SIGNING OFF; 6HELEN MEMBER =crysatal''snow*
12:26 AM
about next year June's chalet that i'll be organising .
i hope all of us would have at least 3days free in June next year .
all of you can tag or post about your ideas of where to go & stuff.
don't worry they WILL BE a barbecue.
anyway ,
i need to know 'cos ALOHA is more worth it if someone's parent is a civil servant .
the information ;
Pool&Sea View Terraces -
(S$ per night)
Civil Servant
OP : 80
P : 160
SP : 200
Member of Public
OP : 177
P : 355
SP : 422
- Off Peak (OP): Monday-Thurdays
- Peak (P): Friday-Sunday (exclude school holidays and eve of public holidays)
- Super Peak (SP): Eve of public holidays, public holidays and school holidays
* Each chalet / bungalow is equipped with cooking facilities and a BBQ pit; complimentary use of utilities and air-con [up to a max. of 25 units ($5 per day). Consumption beyond this amount will be charged accordingly].
however , beds wouldn't be enough . so i recommend we DO NOT fight for the beds. there are only 2 queen & 4 single beds. queens would be shared by a few girls/boys while singles.. you should know. GIRLS would sleep only with GIRLS in separate rooms from BOYS . BOYS too would not intrude into the girls room . ANYWAY. info might change . 'cos this is this year's info .
& i really wish all would come .
more information would be given.
but answer that question first ?
love, LIVIA.
Friday, December 08, 2006
10:16 PM
Hiee people!!
sad ain't it? time swished by so fast. in fact, too fast. I missed school.I missed lessons.I missed the fun and joy and laughter that i share with all of you...
so i was thinking...what if we all plan a date and come back to school together after lessons?it would be great to see each other weraing our own sec schools uniform to school. so lets all plan a date okay? then, after we got the date that everybody can make it, we tell each other okay?
I was planing the date to be in Feb or mayb March or mayb April but definetly not Jan. cuz, in Jan, i suppose that we would all be kinda busy..trying to get use to the new surroundings , making new friends, building up our social lives,reputation and blah blah blah. Hence, i think it would be better if its after Jan....waddaya think?
its gonna be the best reunion ever....
SIGNING OFF; 6HELEN MEMBER =crysatal''snow*